Some times I need to keep updating this at least in that way, may be people can advice me on certain issues. Now that I consider that better late then never and coincidentally came across the following somewhere in the net, I guess every SME owners should say this at least once in their lifetime.
- I easily can create a new source of income.
- My potential is unlimited
- I always welcome new source of income.
- I instantly attract everything I desire.
- I greately enjoy everything I have.
- I can easily attract everything I ask for.
- I enjoy giving money to worthy causes.
- My Business attract more new customers everyday.
- My Business is highly profitable.
- My Customers are very loyal.
- I enjoy high level of repeat business.
- I effortlessly achieve an unlimited income stream.
- I am always alert to new business opportunities.
- My customers thinks very high of me.
Thats it for now. May be next time I will definitely and definitely write about something that is taken place or taking place in my life.